Ensemble, nous pouvons faire avancer ta pratique de yogi!

Que tu ais un objectif précis ou que tu veuilles tout simplement améliorer ta pratique de yogi, je peux te guider.

Mes cours de yoga privés sont ouvert à tous et ma pratique s’adapte à tous les niveaux.

En tant que professionnelle de la thérapie du yoga, je peux préparer une classe basée sur tes besoins personnels. 

Je suis qualifiée dans plusieurs pratiques qui me permettrons de t’aider à te recentrer sur toi-même: Tantra, Hatha, Yin, Embodiment, Yoga du Traumatisme, Méditation, Pranayama, Danses Thérapeutiques…

Es-tu prêt à te retrouver enfin et à t’aimer pour de vrai? Je peux t’aider!

Voici quelques offres. Sens-toi libre de me contacter pour toutes demandes.

Cours Privés de Yoga – En Ligne

60 minutes – 30€ 25€ seulement grâce à l’offre spéciale été

Améliore ta pratique, vérifie tes alignements et renforce tes connaissances du yoga avec un cours privé de 60 minutes.

Cours Privé de Yoga – Puerto Escondido, Mexique

60 Min – MX$ 700 (38€)

Es-tu au Mexique? Viens me voir à Puerto Escondido, et pratique le yoga dans une petite ville qui ne vit que de surf et de yoga!

Thérapie du Yoga Somatique

75 minutes – MX$ 1000 (55€)

As-tu pensé à essayer le yoga thérapeutique? Le yoga est une jolie pratique qui peut vraiment t’aider à regagner confiance en toi et à te retrouver.

Que penses-tu de commencer par une petite conversation afin de voir ce que nous pouvons faire ensemble?

Antje heinsohn
Antje heinsohn
April 28, 2024
Doing yoga with Cara Shanti was a beautiful experience . Her approach is more somatic and therapeutic 🩵 Her class overall felt like meditation and exactly what I needed . 🌻
Will Larson
Will Larson
April 6, 2024
Cara crafted a custom yoga set for rehabilitating my hip & pelvis from a recent surf injury. I really appreciated the tilt she spent customizing the 1:1 session for my specific injury. Also - communication via WhatsApp was prompt and clear from the start.
Nicole B
Nicole B
March 3, 2024
Cara is very kind and I loved her Osho kundalini active meditation. Thank you :)
Jared Weinstein
Jared Weinstein
February 25, 2024
Cara is a wonderful guide and instructor. Check her classes out if you’re in Puerto Escondido and let her tell you more about a cacao experience.
Lucy Sanderson
Lucy Sanderson
February 24, 2024
Cara is wonderful and I’m so happy to have been able to book a session during my stay in Puerto. With her experience and understanding of embodiment therapy she kindly suggested we included cacao in the practice to help me find realignment following a bereavement. Through a combination of meditation, movement and education about various points within my body, she helped me find a really beautiful feeling of release in just one session. Not only does she make you feel safe to let go, she helps to give you the tools and guidance to continue making yourself feel more whole again. Thank you, Cara! ♥️
Dan k
Dan k
February 6, 2024
I had a great experience with cara. Very patient, informative and knows what she's doing. Highly recommended
Valeria Lopez Aldasoro
Valeria Lopez Aldasoro
December 18, 2023
Caroline’s yoga class provided a harmonious blend of invigorating poses and calming mindfulness. Her soothing guidance made a serene space that allowed me to connect deeper, plus she has a really deep knowledge in yoga. I love her classes and I highly recommend her 🫶🏻✨
December 17, 2023
The class that I attended with Caroline was a beautiful mixture of yin yoga and meditation. It was well balanced with postures that allowed me to get a deep stretch in all the places I needed it. Caroline’s direction is very clear and she’s helpful with corrections. The meditation at the end was really relaxing as well, I felt very present and at peace. Thanks Caroline! I will definitely be attending your other classes.
Charlie Williams
Charlie Williams
August 29, 2023
Cara is so lovely, patient and well informed with her yoga. I had little to no yoga experience and she was really kind and slow with me. She came to my place, which was so convenient and she showed me different styles of yoga that would fit my preference and body. She always starts with a lovely meditation and pushes your body but in a very kind way. She goes above and beyond, she even bought me a journal for me to jot my thoughts down in between sessions. Would highly recommend to anyone doing yoga in Puerto!
Menel Rahiel
Menel Rahiel
July 2, 2023
Cours de yoga privé très relaxant. La professeur a su s’adapter à nos besoins. Un réel moment de plaisir. Je recommande fortement !